Diverse teams include everyone
Diversity, equity and inclusion strategies created with you will focus on achieving the following at every level of the organisation:
Inclusive cultures
Equitable practices
Diverse representation with power
To begin the process we assess where you are, how you got there and what you need to get to to the next level. By understanding your goals, processes and limitations we can connect and analyse how you advertise for roles, the recruitment stages, hiring, up to the exit stage. Assessing the psychological safety in your work environment and what your company culture represents is also imperative to creating an organisation that embodies humane and ethical business and practices where everyone can thrive. Our areas of focus touch on these topics:
Social impact
Social inequities
Organisational advocacy
Employer Resource Groups
Immigration, xenophobia and integration
Marginalisation by identity / status / other dimensions
Team Learning
We believe everyone has a role to play in meeting your DEI goals. We therefore provide lessons on topics such as anti-racism, racial/religious/gender microaggressions, allyship, mentorship and sponsorship, etc. We also provide you with concrete examples related to your industry so that your team has a starting point. We offer consistent guidance and support while you develop your own diversity, equity and inclusion path and encourage your teams to discover new and different ways to get involved in DEI work from top leadership to traineeship. Your team will create routines that can be measured and altered as the needs and environment change while always being accommodating with the people around them.
DEI-FOCUSED Business Activities
Organisations need to make all their activities diversity, equity and inclusion-focused. This requires assessing all of them and learning how to change or develop them, from choosing business partners to having a diverse supply chain. You do not want to be the only one left in the past conducting business in ways that exclude, exploit and harm marginalised people especially. This work is no longer just an option but a necessity.
Cultural and Racial equity
People with marginalised identities are not a monolith. An organisation that is truly interested in diversity, equity and inclusion also understands and embraces intersectionality. People who are marginalised by age, gender, disability, sexuality, socio-economic status, and other factors, statuses or identities, are further marginalised by race and culture. Ignoring this causes harm to people who are forced to blend in through diminishing and hiding themselves. It is, therefore, imperative for work environments to create open-minded and intentionally welcoming spaces where multiple people from cultures and races can exist. This is a consistent process that requires equitable practices that should be woven into the structures that govern your organisation.
Racial equity and cultural humility have been left out of many DEI strategies and many employees are feeling the adverse effects. We are here to guide you in making the necessary changes through training methods and materials designed to simplify the process for you.