CLIENTS and reviews
International Client Reviews
Finnish: “Tasa-arvo ei synny pakottamalla, vaan keskustelemalla. Siinä Maryn kurssi oli mitä huikein ja siitä kiitos toki hänelle itselleen ja tarinoilleen, jotka avasivat oman ajattelun solmuja. Mutta myös isot kiitokset muille läsnäolleille, joiden omat tarinat - omat kokemukset syrjinnästä (tai sen puutteesta!) myös saivat nousta esille.”
English: “Equality does not come about through coercion, but through discussion. Mary's course was the most amazing one, and for that I would of course thank her and her stories, which opened the knots of her own thinking. But also a big thank you to the others present, whose own stories – their own experiences of discrimination (or lack thereof!) were also brought up.”
Jarkko Repo, Spain & Finland
“As an attendee on yesterday's course, it was a pleasure to learn directly from one of the best... And of course to exchange experience with my fellow classmates. There is a place for all forms of anti-racism learning, but I've long believed that white people must invest in such coaching by any means necessary.”
Warren Stapley, DEI Manager & Lawyer, UK
We covered a lot, from the interpersonal to the systemic and everything in-between. If you're looking for an anti-racism course based in Europe that is guaranteed to teach you something new, this is it. Thank you Mary for your expertise, work, energy and openness. I walked away from your session having gained more tools to build a better future for all of us, together. I also walked away with an updated understanding of just how much I have left to learn - not that it ever stops. Honestly, if you, reading this, are a white European (western, southern, eastern - doesn't matter) and you still think racism is a US American issue, my advice is that you need to start immersing yourself in Europe-based anti-racist educators' messages.
Emil Novák-Tót, DEIJB & Social Impact Practitioner | Head of Product, Research & Strategy, Denmark
“I always believed that Anti- Racism has to be at the centre of any DEI work, and being able to learn about it in a safe space was just amazing. It was so nice to meet other participants and loved exchanging experiences and perspectives and I would recommend this course to everyone. If you are working within DEI, HR, Recruitment or just are a human being who wants to learn more- this course would be great for you. This knowledge is essential! Thank you Mary Waweru so much for the training”
Mehreen Ali, Inclusive Recruitment Specialist, UK
Crest Impact's anti-racism training is an incredibly detailed, well-researched and engaging training class that is perfectly suited both to beginners who are just starting their DEI and anti-racism journey and people who have familiarity with the topic, but know they need to learn more from an expert. I personally found the training a great experience, as Mary Waweru was a wonderful teacher who guided us with kindness, patience, and empathy. I recommend this training to anybody looking to further their understanding of DEI and learn how to actively enact change."
Erica Terranova, Growth Marketing Lead, Finland
Yesterday, I had the chance to attend an anti-racism training by Mary Waweru. She talked a lot about racism and anti-blackness in Finland, which is a topic that is often overlooked in Finnish DEI spaces and discussions. Even if unintentional, by being too afraid or uncomfortable to talk about racism and anti-Blackness, we are failing our cause. Talking about racism IS uncomfortable, but if we can't have uncomfortable conversations, we can never improve. I suggest everyone check out Mary's services without fear.
Felicia Prehn, Corporate Responsibility & Communications Specialist | Game Accessibility Expert, Finland
Finnish: Osallistuin Crest Impactin erinomaiselle Introduction to Anti-Racism -luennolle. Kouluttajamme Mary oli kannustava ja intohimoinen opettaja aiheeseen. Käsitteiden avaaminen, havainnolliset esimerkit ja henkilökohtaiset tarinat Suomesta ja maailmalta tekivät kurssista vaikuttavan kokemuksen. Osallistumiseen tarvitsee vain avoimen mielen. Suosittelen lämpimästi tätä kurssia kaikille!
English: I attended Crest Impact's excellent Introduction to Anti-Racism lecture. Our trainer Mary was an encouraging and passionate teacher about the subject. The opening of concepts, illustrative examples and personal stories from Finland and the world made the course an impressive experience. All you need to participate is an open mind. I highly recommend this course to everyone!
Varpu Rusila, Entrepreneur, Finland
Since moving from the US to Denmark, I’ve been searching for resources that cover racism and anti-Black racism in a European context. Mary’s course is informed both by research and her lived experience, which helped conceptualize concepts that can feel hard to grasp without tangible examples. Mary created an affirming, safe space in which I felt both challenged to look at my own biases and comfortable asking questions. Leave your ego at the door; everyone needs this course!
Beaux Miebach, Inclusion & Belonging Practitioner, Denmark
I had a fantastic, insightful, inspiring, and humbling Anti-Racism session (which honestly is a masterclass) yesterday with Mary Waweru. We discussed a lot of things, and on a personal exploration, we had discussed Anti-Black racism that exist within the Asian community, and the importance of understanding context, of being present and of continuing learning and unlearning. I cannot recommend it enough for everyone looking for an Anti-Racism education, particularly in the Nordics, either for your own Anti-Racism journey or for your organisation.
Cinthya Sopaheluwakan, Founder & CEO, Norway
Earlier this year I commented on a post Mary had shared here on LinkedIn, she challenged me to take one of her Anti-racism workshops and I bit. Given the work I do, where I live, and the folks that make up my personal and professional circles, I am committed to being anti-racist. That said, Mary's workshop leveled-up my understanding, my commitment, my understanding of what being committed looks like. Her workshop also gave me several insights that continue cause "ah-ha" moments in my thinking and work. I think the thing that stood out personally, is the need for WOC, POC, anyone of a non-majority background, to have access to support in their professional life to professionals (HR, Coach, Therapist, Medical Care) that understand and can provide a safe physical and psychological spot for individuals to go when they have a concern, question, need, problem or even see an opportunity for development. When it comes to intersectionality, inclusivity, we don't know what we don't know about another human's journey, and it's crucial that we actively, and intentionally create spaces where all our employees feel seen, heard, and safe. I highly recommend Mary's anti-racist trainings to any and all white professionals who work in HR, as coaches, therapist, medical professionals, or who manage people.
Alison Rakotonirina, Leadership & Life Crafting Coach | Mental Fitness Coach, Madagascar
I recently completed Anti-Racism training with Crest Impact. We discussed the nuances of language, detail on intersectionality, anti-blackness, power dynamics and inclusion-led strategies. We covered a lot of ground and theory - but Mary augmented this with lots of thought-provoking real-life examples. Despite the heavy topics I greatly enjoyed the session and would recommend Crest Impact to anyone wanting to further their education and learning around racism, inequality and the impact of colonialist actions and thinking.
Henry Rowling, Founder, UK
I loved attending one of Mary's 1:1 anti-racism workshops. Mary is a brilliant communicator who draws on real-life experiences, to show how systemic racism shows up across every area of life. Our two and a half hour session simply flew by. Mary skilfully weaves informative content and engaging storytelling together, in a way that's deeply personal, connecting and affecting. I hugely recommend Mary's workshops if you're looking to build your knowledge of anti-racism. They would be a particularly good fit for someone who's deeply interested in anti-racism but feels they lack confidence or knowledge, and is looking for a supportive, engaging and accessible training.
Ettie Bailey-King, Communications Consultant, UK