Dismantling Neo-Colonialism in Anti-Oppression Work
For a long time, Western and Eurocentric solutions have dominated business globally and now being applied to diversity, equity and inclusion work. The unsurprising result has been that most marginalised people regardless of age, gender, disability, socio-economic status and other dimensions disproportionately remain Black and racially minoritised. This is global. Why is this topic even important? Let us outline some reasons:
⭕ The world is changing through younger generations while things remain the same at the organisational and leadership level. These younger generations will be left behind cleaning up and paying for a system they did not create for the Global South.
⭕ In Western owned / run businesses and organisations, value is awarded to European entities while all others remain impoverished, trapped and subjected to a process and cycle that does not sustain them but keeps them dependent on the oppression.
⭕ We celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion wins that only benefit people and organisations in the West while the rest of the people in the ecosystem are neglected and abused. See the mineral resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the cocoa industry in Ghana, the tech, textile and clothing industry in India, the tea and flower industry in Kenya, etc. Now, compare the situation of workers there to the ones working in these same industries in the West.
We all need to act! This event will benefit you if you are working in diversity, equity and inclusion(DEI), environmental, social and governance (ESG) space, philanthropy and development. You will receive guidance on how to centre racially marginalised communities to alleviate systems of poverty and oppression.
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